Sunday, December 8, 2019

Final Blog Post

I do not recommend the removal of any topics covered in this online course. I appreciated that we covered many different aspects of environmental science and felt consistently interested in the material we discussed. A few topics that I have enjoyed learning about in the past that could be interesting to explore in greater depth in this course are different forms of energy and their benefits/drawbacks, the process of cleaning drinking water, and GMOs.

I truly feel that each assignment related to some aspect of my personal life in some form--sometimes merely by making me a more informed environmental advocate. I found there to be numerous philosophical insights revealed in the assignments that stuck with me and which I have adopted. Further, each assignment provided me with content that will inform my decisions in the future in some regard. Whether I am determining the best way to preserve/harvest water, choosing which sustainable foods I should shop, or even planning for a family, I am certain I will utilize the information which I collected throughout this semester. From this course I even became understanding and less afraid of Mountain Lions, a species I had feared for a large portion of my life!

I felt most provoked to learn more during the research assignment where we explored our relationship to food. I also really enjoyed learning more about the benefits of shopping locally.

I am not currently considering pursuing a career in environmental science; though, I am sure that I will apply the principles of environmental resilience covered in this course to my personal and professional life throughout my future.

Thank you for such a great semester and first experience with online classes! I hope you have an incredible and peaceful retirement--it's well deserved!!

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